With regard to the Rabbit Maranville All-Stars and the lack of a catcher and second baseman, Nick said:
I dunno, maybe Jackie Robinson at 2B, although he played first in '47. For catcher, maybe Johnny Bench.
I like Robinson. Stealing home during the World Series? That's the type of thing I'm looking for.
A new bio of Willie Mays is coming out. A ham sandwich for the first person who can tell me who the Mets traded for him. (Don't look it up.)
Brian Burke asks if Kurt Warner is a Hall of Famer. He shows some of his advanced stats but admits that that's only part of the picture.
I celebrated SABR Day Saturday at a breakfast with some other Nutmeggers. One was a prof at Turk Wendell’s alma mater. Says that when Turk’s meal plan money ran out, he would hunt birds with rocks and eat them. Another once went to a Negro League game. Saw the Indianapolis Clowns. Goose Tatum played first.
Charlie williams-RHP
Hamm wi onions, tomatoes, mayonnaise and mustard
That sandwich has been emailed, Luis. Congrats.